Regardless of the reason for resigning, making a graceful exit by tying up loose ends and thanking colleagues shows your professionalism and can help you down the road in your career. 不说辞职原因,就说做好善终工作体面离职和跟同事道谢,这两件事都能体现出你的职业精神,并能帮你铺平职业道路。
She said good bye and made graceful exit. 她说了再见,优雅地退下了。
If the two US makers are not careful, their hoped-for graceful exit of this former cash cow could sour quickly. 如果这两家美国制造商不小心,他们从这棵曾经的摇钱树华丽退出的愿望,可能会快速变味。
And make a graceful exit before someone starts shooting at us. 体面的退出,在有人象我们开火之前。